Two reasons why shop owners should have mobility scooters on their premises

13 November 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

There are several reasons why shop owners should have at least one mobility scooter on their premises, that their less able-bodied customers can use if they need to. Read on and find out what these reasons are. It could prevent customers from being injured and stock from being damaged If a shop owner keeps a mobility scooter on their premises, they could prevent some of their customers from being hurt during their shopping trips, and stock from being damaged. Read More …

In the Heat of Duty: Have You Dressed Appropriately?

18 September 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

Comfort is an essential need. Your output and productivity at work depend on the comfort you feel when you are in the workplace. It allows you to focus on the task at hand to deliver the desired results and work safely for you and everyone else. Indeed, the level of comfort begins with the attire you wear when you are working, and it is a critical element for those who work in open-air environments. Read More …

How Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets Are Transforming the Medical Industry

10 July 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

The use of rare earth magnets is continuing to shape the medical industry. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) devices rely heavily on neodymium magnets. Besides, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) is widely used in different medical devices. Continue reading this post and learn how rare earth neodymium magnets are revolutionising the medical industry.  Permanent magnets are potent enough to attract ferromagnets and different types of metals. As such, neodymium magnets are employed by medical professionals to remove foreign elements from a patient's body during a surgical operation. Read More …

Why Owning A Boat In Sydney Means You Need Custom-Fitted Covers

22 April 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

Sydney is Australia's most populous city and has a thriving marine culture with both the biggest natural harbour in the world and dozens of beaches, docks and jetties stretching out over the surrounding area. However, it is not all fun and games being a boat owner in Sydney because although the climate can be mild for much of the year when it changes, it changes quickly. Sydney is often visited by torrential downpours, thunderstorms and even hailstorms, which all require special protection. Read More …

4 Things to Consider Before Installing A Wheelchair Lift

24 February 2020
 Categories: Business, Blog

Whether it's in your home or commercial building, a wheelchair lift is a valuable addition to consider. It will make movement easy for your family members, friends, colleagues, and customers who use wheelchairs. However, the installation of a wheelchair lift requires careful consideration of many things. And since it can be a costly investment, it's imperative to install something that will offer the best value for your money. With that in mind, here are some of the essential factors to consider before you install a wheelchair lift. Read More …

About Me
Global Enterprise: Keeping Up With Business

Good day, everyone. This is George Perrett here. I used to quite fancy myself as a globetrotting entrepreneur, but let us just say that I have now been retired for a few years. My son is now involved with all forms of business and my head spins when I talk with him about changes that have taken place. In order to keep up with the business sphere, I have started reading commerce magazines and watching the business channels on television. It has really been an eye-opener! At first, I started keeping notes in a journal, but now my son has helped me to organise this blog. I do hope that others who are interested in new business trends enjoy my posts and contribute feedback. Thank you.
